McMurdo Smartfind M5 AIS Transponder
The SMARTFIND M5 AIS Class A transponder is packed with powerful features. It is the first to include an AIS MOB and AIS SART alarm function, with a Steer To Rescue MOB display enabling you to quickly and easily navigate to the location of the MOB. As well as the traditional “radar style” display and AIS target list views, the SMARTFIND M5 also features an embedded coastline map which accurately plots the AIS equipped vessels on a chart overview display - without the need to connect to an external plotter.
Designed to operate as a stand alone unit, the SMARTFIND M5 can also be integrated with ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display), ECS (Electronic Chart System) or chartplotters via its NMEA0183, NMEA2000 and USB interfaces. It can also be interfaced with a PC system using the PC AIS Viewer software supplied with the unit.
- kompakt und kostengünstig
- zertifiziertes Class A Gerät
- 2 Kanal AIS-Empfänger für den Einsatz mit Seekartenplotter, PC oder Laptop
- wertet alle Typen von AIS Meldungen aus
- USB 2.0 Plug & Play Schnittstelle
- Buddy Liste um alle eigenen AIS MOB Geräte zu speichern
- NMEA0183 Schnittstelle und USB.
- 12/24 V Spannung
- geringe Stromaufnahme