Segelwelt Rig Check and Rig Service
It is important to check the rigg properly after the sailing season to plan maintenance and repairs for the winter. If you're a yacht owner we offer you a free check of your rig!
We recommend the followoing service intervals for rigs:
Basic control:
several times a year, visual control by the skipper and / or crew
Rig check:
once a year by technicians, specialised service companies
Manufacturers recommend to exchange the standing rigging every 15 years or 25.000 nautical miles.
Rig maintenance / service on the folded mast:
- Racing yachts: once a year
- Intensively used cruising yachts: minimum every 5 years; if often used during strong winds then more frequently
- Yachts used for holiday cruising, rarely sailded in strong winds: minimum every 10 years
Segelwelt rig check:
- Visual control of the rig from the masttop to the deck
- Control of ropes and sails
- Investigation of possible improvements
- Foto protocol of the rig check
- Detailed recommendation of maintenance, repairs and improvements
Prices of a Segelwelt rig check: €200,- + VAT. + travel expenses
Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
Segelwelt rig service:
Technician: €80,- / hr excl. VAT. and expenses
Assistant: €45,- / hr excl. VAT. and expenses
Attractive packages:
Make your appointment now! Contact person: Andreas Hanakamp, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +43 664 9161386